Ever since you first gave me the chance to represent you, I’ve made it my mission to be the best Local Champion I could be.

Since 2010 I have be proud to represent the Colne Valley, Holme Valley and Lindley in Parliament and beyond and always put local people first in everything that I do.

Be it fighting for sub-postmasters caught up in the Post Office scandal, constituents affected by contaminated blood or bringing huge investment to our area with a new A & E, the Transpennine Rail Upgrade or supporting constituents through COVID - my first duty is to the people of our area.

That's why I'm proud to announce that I am running to be re-elected as your local Member of Parliament for Colne Valley, Holme Valley and Lindley on Thursday 4th July.

But now, I need YOUR help to continue making a positive difference for our area. 

If you're with me, will you join hundreds of local people and sign up to help my local campaign or donate to my re-election fund today?

Two ways to help me keep on delivering for Colne Valley, Holme Valley and Lindley

👉 Click here to donate to my grassroots local campaign or  

Sign up below to join my campaign team now👇

Can you help Jason deliver more for Colne Valley, Holme Valley and Lindley?

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How can you help Jason McCartney with his re-election campaign?